Is Storytelling Even Worth It?

It was intense. While Mark neared the end of interviewing Jessica for a Hometown Housing video, his heart began to beat as hard as it was proposing to his girlfriend. 

After reciting a carefully crafted line, he knew Jessica’s life was about to change.

In 2022, we traveled to Memphis, Missouri where we would be creating a video on behalf of Hometown Housing.

Hometown Housing is a comprehensive solution to assist the “missing middle” in finding housing in rural communities. This demographic comprises hardworking individuals who, despite being gainfully employed, need help to own a home in areas with limited options. 

Their mission is to build up smaller communities and attract more people and businesses to these areas so they can thrive.

When it comes to video production, you have to be a good storyteller…your content must create emotion so you can connect with your audience.

So we spent the day across two locations, conducted six interviews, and shot plenty of b-roll footage in between.

Capturing this content set the stage for what was to happen next in Jessica’s story. Prepare your hearts.

Jessica is a single mom of six children renting a home that the owner intended to sell, but Jessica lacked funds for the down payment, leaving her nowhere to turn.

And Hometown Housing wanted to do something about that. Shane, Project Manager at Hometown Housing, interrupted Mark’s interview with Jessica to inform her that they would finance her house and set up a payment schedule tailored to her needs, allowing her and her children to stay home.

And THAT? That’s enough to make the whole room cry.

The genuine excitement, tears, and raw emotion that unfolded that day were profound and an experience Mark may not even encounter again while telling stories with Bing Bang.

And it created a connection.

Jessica, did you ever think you would own your own house? Mark asked. I hoped but started to lose hope. Jessica replied. Do you still think there’s a little hope?

While not every story you tell is going to change someone’s life (literally), we’re sharing this to serve as a reminder that we must create storytelling content to build trust with our audience.

As we tell more and more stories, our unwavering commitment remains to be the marketing partner you can rely on, feeling at ease to share your story confidently in front of the camera.

Speaking of storytelling, have you signed up for a free Discovery Call? It’s a 30-minute conversation we have with you to discuss your wants/needs to give you a customized solution to help you hit your marketing goals.

If you want to create connections with your audience through storytelling, sign up >>HERE<<.

Heartbeating stories,
