Chit ChatGPT Part 3: What Does AI Have to Do with Visual Content?
By now, you probably know that we are fascinated by the massively powerful world of AI.
>>We believe that AI is the way of doing marketing in the future, and this series was created to educate you on the topic as well as help you make decisions on the place this artificial intelligence will have in your marketing strategy.<<
In Part 1 of the Chit ChatGPT series, you learned what AI is, ChatGPT basics, and why you should use it. Then, in Part 2, you learned how to use AI tools in your business.
So far, we’ve dove heavily into using AI for writing, ideation, and strategy, which is why Part 3 is all about creating visual content with this technology!
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- [03:56] What is Threads, how brand’s are using it, and does it have longevity?
- [14:00] ChatGPT is beating Taylor Swift in search volume
- [16:00] Recap of what we’ve covered so far in the Chit ChatGPT series
- [21:29] Origin story of DOLL-E’s name
- [24:50] How DOLL-E works
- [27:43] Bing Bang’s content team’s perspectives on AI
- [32:41] Ways you can use DOLL-E for your images
- [36:51] How businesses are using image-generative AI in their marketing strategy
- [40:34] Other image-generating tools you can use
- [46:15] Ways to use AI to enhance video and audio
Ready to keep this Chit ChatGPT going? Click play >>HERE!<<
To dive even deeper, download our free AI Workbook! It will walk you through what you’re learning in each episode of the series, as well as give you a place to jot down notes. Click >>HERE<< to download it now, and let’s hit the ground running in the world of AI!